Saturday, January 27, 2007

Savannah Getting Bigger Everyday

Miss Savannah is growing like a weed. Almost two weeks ago, she was up to 10lbs, 12 ozs....quite a change from the 4lbs, 8ozs three months ago. Needless to say, she is doing great. She has a little bouts with acid reflux that make her unhappy from time to time, and she has some colic in the evening hours. But, she is usually pretty happy. She is trying really hard to talk when daddy plays with her feet, and she is trying to sing along with mommy. She sleeps between 6-8 hours at night, which is really nice for mommy and daddy, and her favorite time of the day is bath time. Lynn has been back at work for about two weeks now, and since then, granmomma has taken over during the day while mommy and daddy are at work. Granmomma is doing a great job, and we are very lucky to have her in our home with Savannah. Here are some recent pics................

Savannah posing for Granmomma.


Savannah in her pink lounger.

Bath time is the best. She loves the water.

During the bath, Savannah studies the zebras on the wall.

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